That's right, Jamie is one month old today. I'd make a cake, but I'm pretty sure I'd end up burning it.
Since I am obsessive and competitive and like lists, I opened up the ever-present What to Expect to check the one-month milestones. By one month, your baby...
Should Be Able To: Lift head briefly when on stomach on a flat surface
Check. He's been doing this since the minute he was born.
Focus on a face
Check. Although he also really like to focus on the mirror above the couch, and the space in the window where the blinds gap open.
Will Probably Be Able To: Respond to a bell in some way
Check. No bells here, but he was really startled when Nathan was re-loading his gun for work.
May Possibly Be Able To: Lift head 45 degrees when on stomach
Check. Again, he's been doing this since he was born. He can get his head up, but putting it back down gracefully is still difficult. Or maybe he likes slamming his forehead into my chest.
Vocalize in ways other than crying
Check. He started cooing, gooing, chirping, snorting and growling about two weeks ago. It's adorable. If you haven't heard him talk, you're missing out.
Smile in response to your smile
Maybe? He smiles a lot, but those are mainly from gas. I think he's smiled at me, but I really don't know. Maybe he's smiling at the window.
May Even Be Able To:
Lift head 90 degrees when on stomach
Not quite. He's done it a couple times, but there's no control, and he flops back right away.
Hold head steady when upright
Only when upset. Or hungry. When he's well fed and sleepy he turns into my Floppy Bunny.
Bring both hands together
Well, he loves to cross his arms when leaning on my chest, so he can do it then. But not any other time. I don't think he knows that his hands are his quite yet.
Smile spontaneously
It's just gas.