Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Should Check the Calender More Often

Yesterday was Jameson's 7th month birthday, and I didn't even notice! Let's see what he can do:

By seven months, your baby should be able to:

Feed self a cracker
Grandma gives him baby rice crackers and says he chews some off then sucks his thumb to help swallow it all down.

He's been doing that for months.

Coo or babble when happy
He's getting more talkative every day. He's especially vocal when he's sleepy.

Smile often when interacting with you
I love his smiles and laughs.

By seven months, your baby will probably be able to:

Sit without support
He still topples over after awhile, but is getting better at "catching" himself and rolling with it.

Bear some weight on legs when held upright
Since the day he was born

Object if you try to take a toy away
I see this more if I try to take the spoon or bowl of food away

Work to get a toy that's out of reach
He is very determined when he puts his mind to it. This is the only reason he moves around the floor -- to get to a new toy, or even better, a new power cord. He loves those.

Look for a dropped object
He drops his spoon over the side of his high chair and always looks for it. I am making it a rule not to pick it up for him, so we don't end up playing the "How Many Times Will Mommy Pick Up My Spoon" game in a few months.

Rake with fingers to pick up an small object
I need to trim his fingernails, because he's starting to rake up some of the embroidery on his blankets.

Turn in the direction of a voice
He seems now to actually decide if he's going to turn or not. A really good toy is more interesting than us sometimes.

He's perfecting "bababababaa" right now, and I'm pretty sure I heard "mamamaaaa" once

Play peekaboo
Well, he laughs when I play, but he's not exactly holding the blanket up on his own.

By seven months, your baby may possibly be able to:

Creep or crawl
He can squirm and move slowly, especially on the tile. But no crawling.

Pass a toy from one hand to the other
Very slowly, but he can do it.

Stand holding on to someone
Yup. He falls after a few minutes, but he loves to stand

By seven months, your baby may even be able to:

Pull up to standing position
No, thank goodness!

Get into sitting position
Yes, he did it once! We don't know how, though. We left him on his back and when we came back he was sitting up. I've seen him try so hard (he pulls at his pant legs to try to get up) but he hasn't done it again.

Play patty-cake or wave bye-bye
Nope. But he loves it when I clap his hands for him.

Pick up tiny object with thumb and finger
He's trying, but not very good at it yet. I give him little bits of banana and they keep slipping away...

Walk holding on to furniture
Not even close

Say "mama" or "dada" indiscriminately
Every once in awhile, but not very often.

A few cute pictures. Aunt U-Ann sent these 'taggies' blocks with ribbons all over for Jameson to hold on to. He loves the blocks, but of course he prefers the real tag.

He fell asleep cuddled up with his rattle. Awww....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

He Looks Good in Pink

On Saturday we celebrated Aunt Rose's 50th birthday. Jameson loved seeing the family and getting passed around.

As soon as Rose opened her gifts, Jameson got the bags.

Grandma had a little too much fun with the decorations. Jameson doesn't seem to mind one bit.

But William stepped in to save Jameson from further humiliating photographs.

Playing with the blankets.

Aunt Leah came over to play.

And made his bouncer into a fort. He loved it.

Jameson started out sitting up on the blanket with the boppy behind him. He rolled and squirmed all the way over to be on the tile and discovered that things MOVE on the tile.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

He Only Cries When I'm Nearby

I meant to post this video with the others yesterday. Jameson had squirmed his way to the edge of his blankets and he was having a great conversation with the tile. I tried to be sneaky and get a video of it because I knew exactly what would happen when he realized I was there.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Valentines Surprise

Nathan and I celebrated Valentine's Day today since Jameson was with Grandma. Nathan spent all day telling me that he had a great surprise for me, and promised that it would make me say "Awww". He was right.

My first card from Jameson. Nathan gave him a couple markers and he colored it for me. He also has a little marker on his left thumb, and of course he kept trying to eat the markers. But he signed the card! For me! Awww....

Nathan and I spent the day re-arranging the house. The computer is now in the living room, and the TV is gone. Jasmine does not know what to make of it.

And we have a real dining room again!

Aunt Lulu gave us their old swing and we put it up on the patio. Jameson really likes it, although he was very tired when I took this picture. The rope was fascinating.

And yesterday he hung out in the dead grass while I pulled some weeds. I kept pulling the blanket forward so he couldn't get at the grass, but he really wanted to feel it.

I've started cooking sweet potato and carrots and giving him some chunks of them. He really prefers the store-bought pureed versions, but at least he's getting practice with the concept of feeding himself. Of course the bowl is much more interesting than the food.

And a sneaky video I took of the boys playing.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Visit from Grandma

Jameson got to visit with Grandma this week. She was in town for four days. We had lots of fun around Tucson, and she got to watch Jameson two mornings while I went up to Pusch Ridge to sub.

They read the Sunday paper together.

And cuddled.

And cuddled.

Grandma gave Jameson a bath, and he showed her how he likes to eat the wash rag. She couldn't understand why I have her two until he grabbed the first one away from her.

And some older pictures. Aunt Leah came over and they played with the laundry basket. He liked being propped up so well!

His dinosaur helps him get to sleep.

And some food pics. Jameson really needs his solid food now. I made the mistake of not giving him any one day, and he was up three times in the night to eat. He's a hungry boy! Here we have some cereal between the eyes.

And some peas, well, everywhere. He did really like the peas, though.

And I gave him a piece of banana to eat. He liked being able to feed himself, although very little of it actually was eaten. After this I have two minutes of video of him pushing pieces of banana all over his tray.