Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thanks, Grandpa Roo

Jameson's first Christmas present arrived in the mail yesterday. We let him open it early since Nathan wouldn't want him to open it on the 25th anyway.

I gave him the package to see what he would do with it. He promptly handed it back to me with a "here-you-go". I pulled up the tape on one side, and that was enough to get him interested.

Wow, this is fun! I get to rip things!

I opened up the box, and he grabbed it back again.

For some reason this dog was the only thing in a little baggy. Jameson liked trying to put the other pieces in the bag as well.

It's a duplo farm set, with a farmer, dog, sheep, cow, pig, wheelbarrow, and a few blocks. Jameson really enjoyed me making the animal noises, and was able to imitate a little.

His favorite piece is the dog. He's been carrying it around all yesterday and today. The poor things nose is already scuffed, he has some red crayon markings on his belly, and he got tossed out of the crib when Jameson woke up from his nap this morning. (He fell asleep clutching the little doggy!)

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Grandma Warner sent over some pictures from Thanksgiving. They arn't the best quality due to flash issues, but you can tell we had a fun time.

Nathan put Jameson on his shoulders and started running around the yard. Leah and Caleb chased them, and Jameson had a blast. I've never heard him laugh that hard for that long.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanks, Grandma

This toy was given to us almost as soon as Jameson was born, by Nathan's cousin Denia. It had been her daughters, and she was clearly excited to get it out of the house. We happened to "forget" it at Grandma's house months ago, but she found it and gave it back last night.

The batteries have to go dead eventually, right?

But Jameson was in extra-cute mode this morning, and you get to see him dance, climb, talk, stand, fall, hide, and grab the camera. Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Potty Time!

I know Jameson isn't ready to be truly potty trained yet, but I want to get him familiar and comfortable with the concept. And so he's been spending a few minutes in the bathroom each morning, doing his best to imitate mommy and daddy.

He normally goes for my hair brush, but this morning he wanted Nathan's toothbrush.

And of course he has to read, just like daddy.

So far he seems to think the entire experience is just a lot of fun, but hopefully he'll figure it out soon.

From a few nights ago: I can't believe his arm didn't go numb and wake him!