We're getting ready to leave for dinner, but we've already had a very eventful morning. I won't place blame on who had said they would be up, but we found ourselves with an awake boy and sleeping parents around 10:30. At some point Jameson had told me that he wanted breakfast (second breakfast at this point), and I told him to ask Nathan, thinking he was up. And so our creative boy took matters into his own hands.
Jameson has a "stove" that I made for him, with oven door and sink, plus mini pots and pans and plastic food. So when Jameson came to my bedside saying, "Momma, want an egg?", I was expecting to see his plastic egg. But instead, I saw one of his pans with a egg in it. A cracked egg. With no shell. It looked like he was about to fry it. The yoke wasn't even broken!
So of course, I asked him where the rest of the egg was. He merrily lead me to the kitchen, where a large bowl sat on a chair, with a fair amount of eggy goop in the bottom. But still no shells.
"Where is the rest of the egg? The white part?"
"Oh! In my room!"
I was still in a haze of confusion, so this is the point that Nathan, still in the living room, figured it out ahead of me. "Is there egg all over his room?"
Yes. Yes, there was. Jameson's stove was dripping with egg, and a few more pans were "cooking" there. He had closed the lid of the toy box, and had put his egg carton (a clean, used one) on there. And he had filled it. By my count, it was 5 eggs he had taken from the refrigerator. All smashed and drained. It looked like he had simply cracked them in his fist, and obviously gotten quite good at it.
So, he was plopped into the bath, toys, books and everything else was taken to the backyard or dishwasher, and I mopped very well. We've been telling Jameson that eggs stay in the kitchen, not to take food from the refrigerator without Momma, and play food is for playing, real food is for cooking. We'll see.
I wanted to get pictures, but the battery was dead. Probably for the best. Now I can remember how funny it all was, instead of remembering the mess.