Grandpa Hazelwood is in Arizona, and he came down with the rest of the family this weekend. We went to a Rockies game, and managed to stay for a few innings.

A family in the row in front of us had a two-year old boy, and Jameson and he talked a little and shared some snacks.

We came home so Jameson could nap. Isaiah and Ariadne played in my garden.

Jameson woke up and took some time inspecting their work.

They started making "soup" from the flowers and broccoli. Jameson stayed with the pot to stir it.

And pull things off his feet?

The older kiddos had fun picking the flowers. I tried to tell Isaiah to go for the herbs for flavor, but they ended up just picking all my purple flowers.

Made for a very pretty soup.

After a bath (Jameson and Ariadne!) and dinner, Uncle Ben read with the kids.
As they all got ready to leave, Jameson climbed into the van. He was very happy to get behind the wheel. Ariadne said "I don't want Jameson to drive us - he's too little"