At one month, I was shocked that my baby was already a month old. Now I can't believe it's only been two months! (plus a day; we had to clean yesterday, not blog) Jameson is growing and changing so much every day, and it's getting hard to remember a time without him.
I want to keep up with the milestones so I can remember what he can and can't do.
By two months your baby should be able to:
Smile in response to your smile.Oh yea. I love the smiles.
Respond to a bell in some way, such as startling, crying, quieting.We have no doubt that he can hear, but noises don't bother him very much. Nathan loves scaring him with a loud clap, but sometimes Jameson really makes daddy work for that jump!
By two months your baby will probably be able to:
Vocalize in ways other than crying.Yup. He's cooing and gooing more every day. Sometimes he gets on a rhythm and repeats the same sound for a minute or more. And he always talks to something. The sheep dangling above his chair; the window, a stack of diapers, anything.
On stomach, lift head 45 degrees.That's chump stuff. He's been doing that since birth.
By two months your baby may even be able to:
Hold head steady when upright.Just because he can doesn't mean he always does. He holds his head up and looks around when he wants to, but he sometimes just decides to slump it forward or back, or even better, groove around and shake that little head to some music only he can hear.
On stomach, raise chest, supported by arms.He loves doing this, especially if he's laying on daddy's chest.
Roll overSometimes. He's rolled from belly to back three times. I suppose I need to be giving him more tummy time.
Grasp a rattle held to the backs or tips of fingers.Barely. He holds it for a few seconds then lets go without ever really noticing that it was there.
Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin.I have no idea. And I don't even know how to check. Is he staring at my hand or the raisin?
Reach for an object.Maybe. I've seen a few swipes at the toys on his chair that seem deliberate, but it's very hard to tell.
Say "Ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combination.Ah-goo is his favorite. Coo-goo is occasionally heard.
By two months your baby may possibly be able to:
Smile spontaneously.Love the smiles. These come most often right after a dirty diaper comes off. He loves being clean and naked.
Bring both hands together.On purpose? His hand wavings still seem pretty random. but those hands do get clasped together pretty often.
On stomach, lift heat 90 degrees.It's wobbly, but he can do it.
Laugh out loud.He's laughed a couple times, but only in his sleep. I can't wait for the first real laugh!
Squeal in delight.Yes! He's just started a few days ago. He squeals at his toys when they swing (he kicks his feet pretty hard to make them swing).
Follow an object across 180 degrees of motion.Actually, he can do more than 180 degrees. He'll sit in his chair and watch me get up and walk around. If I go behind him he turns his head and rolls his eyes back to find me!
So there you have it. At two months, Jameson is big (13 lbs 2 oz as of Monday), strong, talkative and adorable. But maybe I'm biased.