By three months, your baby should be able to:
On stomach, left head up to 45 degrees

By three months, your baby will probably be able to:
Laugh out loud

On stomach, lift head up 90 degrees

Squeal in delight

Bring both hands together

Smile spontaneously -

Follow an object 180 degrees

By three months, your baby may be able to:
Hold head steady when upright -

On stomach, raise chest, supported by arms - Sorry, no picture, because he's not quite there yet. He props up on his elbows easily, but he's not all the way up on his hands.
Roll over - No picture here either, but he can do it! He rolls from stomach to back (he loves rolling off my chest to the bed) and from his side to either front or back. Just today he started rolling from stomach to side, then back to his stomach.
Grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers - Not really. He closes his hands onto toys, but drops them very quickly. He does hold on to our fingers for a long time, however!
Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin

By three months, your baby may even be able to:
Bear some weight on legs when held upright

Reach for an object

Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting - He's getting better at this, but his head still flops back most of the time.
Turn in the direction of a voice, particularly mommy's - Sometimes. But I typically have to be in his line of sight before he'll notice me.
Say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combination - He's talking more and more, and even mimicking us. Eventually I'll catch this on video!
Razz - He's blown bubbles a few times, but not too often.
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