I found the book with the milestones in it, so here is what Jameson can do.
By six months, your baby should be able to:
Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting
Those neck muscles are so strong! Jameson's been able to keep his head level for months now.
Say "ah-goo" or similar vowel-consonant combinations
His repertoire has expanded to include all of the vowels, most of the soft consonants, and even a "d" and "t" every so often.
By six months, your baby will probably be able to:
Bear some weight on legs when held upright
Since the day he was born, literally.
Sit without support
He still falls over sometimes, but he loves sitting up. I surround him with toys and he kicks at them and grabs as many as he can.
Turn in the direction of a voice
He always wants to know who is in the room, and will twist around to see anyone talking.
Didja see that video a few weeks back?
By six months your baby may possibly be able to:
Stand holding on to someone or something
He's been doing this for months, and is able to take a few steps if we hold his hands.
Object if you try to take a toy away
He does get upset every once in a while if we take a toy, and if a toy falls he looks around for it and sometimes fusses for us to give it back.
Work to get a toy that's out of reach
This is what causes him to topple over when he's sitting!
Pass a toy from one hand to another
I love watching him moving his toys so slowly and carefully.
Look for a dropped object
Hey doesn't always look in the right place, but he does look. He's still figuring out this "gravity" thing.
Rake with fingers and pick up a tiny object
I discovered he could do this when he grabbed a dustbunny from his blanket on the floor. I guess I really need to sweep more often.
Babble, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga
He prefers the classic "goo-goooo" sound combination
Feed self cracker or other finger food
Sadly, yes. Sunday night we gathered at a friends house to watch the Packers get beat, and Jameson ate a Wheat Thin. I was not in the room at the time, but apparently he grabbed one out of Nathan's hand and chewed on it until it was mushy, then ate it. I found a little piece of it behind his ear.
By six months, your baby may even be able to:
Creep or crawl
He tries so hard, but not yet. He likes to get his butt up in the air, but he always plants his face in the ground first. He looks like an inch worm!
Pull up to standing
No, thank goodness!
Get into a sitting position
He tries sometimes, doing little baby crunches, but he hasn't been able to do it yet.
Pink up a tiny object with thumb and finger
Nope, he's still content with using his entire fist to grab things
Say "mama" or "dada" indiscriminately
You heard the "dada", but that's it so far.
Tia Leah came over yesterday to help take care of Jameson since I had a migraine. She put her bandana on him and gave him lots of attention.

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