Jameson just found my keys for me. I was looking all over the house, but he knew just where to look. He pulled everything out og the diaper bag, and alerted me that he had found them by banging them on the tile and screeching. Good boy.
He didn't want to take a nap this morning, so we hung out in bed just resting for awhile. First you get to see his new quacking sound, then the classic head tossing. He finally went to sleep, and I cleaned out his room. I lowered his crib last night, so we have to do diaper changes on the floor. He liked being a naked baby.
Grandpa Hazelwood just left town, and boy did we do a lot while he was here. He arrived Tuesday morning and promptly began spoiling Jameson by letting him play with his glasses, something we are really trying to avoid.
We went to a baseball game and watched the Rockies gain a couple hits on, someone else. Jameson was very hot and fussy, so we only stayed for a few innings.
Standing in the back was nice, and Jameson liked the breeze.
Especially because it took that silly hat off his head for him. Grandpa caught it, though.
A long walk back to the car, and then Jameson fell right asleep. He was a very tired baby.
On Wednesday, Grandpa and I started building a couple beds in the backyard, and Jameson got to watch us.
Wednesday was Grandma Warner's birthday, so we went to their house for dinner. The Warner men sat together. Apparently Jameson is learning to show off his muscles.
I see a lot of family resemblance here.
Happy Birthday Grandma!
Since Jameson got too hot outside on Wednesday, we keft him inside on Thursday.
But he wanted to come out and play.
I put down a blanket for him in the shade, and he crawled over to where the action was.
Watcha' doing Grandpa?
Back to the blanket, and then under the chair.
Nathan came home just in time to help finish the work, then they all went in to relax. Grandpa is beat, but Jameson still wants to play.
Aunt Cindy, not so much. Much rather chew on this police car thing,
Grandma wants to see the new teeth (four on top!)
So happy!
He's getting pretty good at sitting up, even without a high chair. But there were just too many distractions to eat very much.
He's a big boy. He can scoot along very quickly, grab any toy he wants, and feed himself, although you can probably tell that more food is ending up on the floor than in his mouth. Oh well, it's a start.
Unfortunatly, Jameson has a cold and has not been sleeping well. He coughs in the night and it wakes him up. Which means I haven't been sleeping too well either. Is it nap time yet?
Aunt Leah came over to play, but Jameson was tired. For some reason she decided to wrap him up in a pillow. He liked it!
He also ahold of my tape measure. It's so fun!
Naked baby!
Leah invited us to watch a movie at Aunt Christina's. Their cat, Pirate, was quite interested in Jameson.
Jameson was interested in her as well.
Aunt Leah gave him a spoon and he pouted about it.
He wormed his way over to find out what the big fuzzy thing was. The dog was so tired and didn't want to move, so he kept flipping his ear away.
And then he returned the favor. Jameson had already had his face licked, so he was a little scared of the dog.
Aunt Liz is lots of fun!
Sunday we went up to Phoenix to see William.
Uh-oh, another dog! Tatum gave Jameson one good lick, then stayed away the rest of the day.
We were up in Phoenix so Nathan could go to Cabela's. Jameson and I had a nice lunch in their cafe. I gave him pieces of bread and lettuce, and he knew where to go for more.
On the way back home, we stopped at a friends house for a St Patrick's Day party. One couple had their little girl there. She was born two days after Jameson, but she is already pulling herself up to stand.
And look, she's crawling for real!
But Jameson's still sweeter!
Boy, was he happy to be home and sleep in his own bed!
On Saturday Jameson experienced his first long car ride up to the renaissance festival. He slept most of the way up and was very excited to get out into his stroller. So excited that he spit up on his shirt.
After a shirt and diaper change, we went to watch the "knights" "jousting". Jameson loved his hat, but didn't see why we kept putting it on his head. I did put a lot of sunscreen on him, so he didn't get nearly as tan as Nathan and I did.
My glasses are still a favorite toy.
He got a little overwhelmed with all the people and needed to cuddle for a while. That thumb does wonders to calm him down.
After the "jousting" we all got lunch, and Jameson ate two containers of food. He was very hungry.
Christopher's brother, Johnathan, liked playing with Jameson, and shared his sunglasses.
Wow, everything is so bright now!
We spent a lot of time hanging out in the grass where everyone else shopped and played games. Jameson liked my water bottle.
A power nap while we watched the falconers.
Heather wanted to make a candle, and Jameson liked the ribbons.
Hanging out on the grass again. There were at least a dozen men in kilts behind him, and even one man in a skirt. Seriously, a skirt. But Jameson was much more interested in the grass and leaves.
On our way out.
We went into Phoenix to have dinner with Sean. I don't think the wait staff understood how young Jameson was, and they brought him crayons. We let him play with the placemat and was perfectly happy with that.
Christopher and Heather found a shop selling all sorts of wood toys at the fair and bought Jameson a little police car. He loves it. He actually was loving the noise it made when he slammed it on the wood table. It's a very well made little car.
Getting sleepy with Dad.
Here is a little group of videos that shows how mobile Jameson is getting. A few minutes before I took this video, Jameson was on the blanket behind me, and Jasmine was asleep on the couch. But Jasmine found a lizard and Jameson wanted to see. The second part is from this morning. Jameson has been crawling all over trying to find wires. He knows they tend to lurk near the walls. I don't know why he likes them so much. I guess it's officially time to baby proof.