First we visited a teacher tutoring a few students and holding another teacher's grandbaby. The other baby is about 2 months old. Jameson was fascinated.
We peeked into another classroom. There are so many people! Jameson wants to go inside.
So big! He sat up very well, and almost got into standing. He wanted that folder so bad!
Then we went to see Aunt Leah in her classroom. Here Jameson shows off a recently learned skill -- pouting out his lower lip.
We found the mom of the other baby, and we traded. I got to hold the tiny little baby, and she got to toss Jameson around and say she couldn't wait 'til hers was this big!
We tried to get a shot of both babies.
But Jameson wanted those pigtails!
So he just got to hang out with Grandma and Leah.
Last night Nathan get his new work gear out and tried out the hat for size.
It's a little big, but Jameson doesn't mind.
He still loves his bouncer!
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