Exactly one year old, taken at 12:19 PM today:
We took a nice day trip up Mt Lemon to get out of the heat. I sat in the backseat to get sunscreen on Jameson, and he liked me being there. We played peekaboo.
We went up to Rose Canyon Lake. Jameson loved playing with the rocks and leaves. Of course he tried to eat them. Jameson and I sat up in the shade for awhile, but the chipmunks assumed we had food. They were getting a little close for comfort, so we went down with Nathan.
He was fishing.
And he caught one!
Jameson was quite perplexed.
But it grew on him.
He wanted that fish so bad! Unfortunately he fell asleep almost as soon we got home, so he didn't get any fish.
Playing with daddy right before we left.
1 comment:
that kid is ridiculously cute. Happy Birthday Jameson!
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