Grandma picked us up from the airport and had a good time with Jameson the first day.

That night we went to Ben and UAnn's. Uncle Nathan was a big hit with Ariadne and Isaiah.

Isaiah loves the ball game. Ariadne tried as well.

We loved it too. Easy sleep!

Jameson fought sleep for a little while Tuesday night as well. Nathan is so patient with him!

Wednesday we went to Walmart and picked up a few things. Grandma bought Jameson a mattress pad for his crib and some rice cereal and spoons. We also picked up some cheetoes for Isaiah, and Jameson really liked the bag. It's so easy to hold and makes great crinkly noises! I made Jameson the hat and mittens. They fit great, but the mittens frustrated him. His hands tasted funny and he couldn't find his thumb!

Wednesday afternoon we went to see Aunt Mary, and Jameson got his first "Christmas" present. He tried to open it but once he got one piece of paper off he was happy with that.

And this was inside! It's an owl hat that looks like a New-New! He's going to love it when he's a little bigger.

UAnn loved holding Jameson, and Araidne got a little jealous. She liked Jameson and was always excited to see him. She's not speaking full sentences yet, but every time she saw Jameson she squealed "bebee!"

Jameson fought his nap a little, and Nathan rocked him to sleep. This was such a wonderful sight.

Ariadne wanted to snuggle with Nathan as well.

After all that excitement, we finally went to see Grandpa.

On Thanksgiving Ben brought the kids over early. By now Ariadne was very fond of Uncle Nathan, although she never figured out how to say his name!

Thanksgiving dinner was great. No turkey, but very good roast and everything else.

After our dinner Jameson got his Thanksgiving meal. He had his first cereal. My cousin Lynn held him, and UAnn tried to offer him a brownie. But he took the cereal from Dad.

Not really sure what to make of it.

Figuring out the concept. He started opening his mouth when the spoon got close. He's still figuring out how to swallow the cereal, but at least two thirds of it made it to his tummy. Yum yum!

Since it was a Hazelwood holiday, the boys got the Legos out.

Grandpa got to hold the two little ones. We kept trying to get Isaiah in there as well, but he was acting shy. As you can see, Jameson is almost as big as Ariadne. Standing, he comes up to her nose, and they feel about the same weight. Ariadne is one year 17 days older than Jameson!

Playtime with Grandpa.

Jameson loves tearing up this magazine. So crinkly and crunchy. Until...

The page ripped and he was so upset. We thought he got a paper cut, but he was fine. He must have liked the resistance from pulling on the paper, and was confused when it tore.

Finally, all three grandkids! Isaiah still wasn't too happy about being on camera.

Right before we left we took Jameson out for a snow picture. It snowed every day we were there but I kept putting off taking Jameson out. And now it was too late to get him wet and cold. Of course that didn't stop Nathan from getting me wet and cold. He had a pile of snowballs waiting and they all came flying at me as soon as I set the baby down. But now we're back in wonderful Arizona and there is no snow!

I still need to go through all the videos and edit them down. I will post those soon!
That picture of Nathan with the screaming baby is priceless.
I only have one set of legos now, I think. It's the lego boat I always wanted as a kid, and finally got after I was grown up.
Matt, you've got to bring that lego set out next time we come over. I love legos!
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