We're getting ready to head up to Denver next week. I'm pulling out all the cold weather clothes we have for Jameson, and I had to try his little sweater on him. It's a tad big, but it fits. All those sleepless nights knitting while he kicked me in the ribs paid off!

He got kinda cocky about his sitting-up abilities, and he wobbled too far.

Here it is halfway through November and we spent a lovely afternoon outside. I took Jameson out expecting him to talk to the trees or watch the bugs, but he decided it was nap time. He slept for nearly an hour while I knitted him some little mittens for next week.

Oh, and I made fudge. Real fudge. Seriously good, melt in your mouth fudge. We've got a full pan, and it's going to get stale soon, so if you want some, come over and get it!

Do you have a camcorder or is it just the record feature on the camera?
Cute Title by the way,
It's just the record feature on the regular camera. Not very good quality, but easy to use. And the camera was free. Thanks Sarah!
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