We had to wake Jameson up from a nap to get him there, so Nathan gave him a little pre-haircut playing to get him in the mood.
Ooh, the comb feels funny. He kept squirming and laughing at the comb. Of course this makes me realize that I've never actually combed Jameson's hair. Not that it really needs it, but I suppose we should get him a comb.
The first cut.
Jameson spent the first half of the cut just trying to figure out what was going on. He wanted to watch Cindy, but also liked cuddling with Nathan.
Look Maw, no hair in my eyes!
Nathan had to turn him around so Cindy could get the back of his head. More cuddles. I also held him for awhile so he would rest his head down so she could get the very back.
After that he started perking up and wanting to climb around and grab things. Nathan was very good at holding him still so there were no accidents.
Lady, what did you just do to me?
More playing with Dad; we were off to a party right after this, so we had to keep his spirits up. So now he finally has a proper haircut!
And from a few days ago -- look how he can stand up! We find him like this several times a day. He just stands there and talks to his toys, or the wall, whatever, until he gets tired. Then he lets us know he wants help down, or just lets go and falls. Either way there is crying involved!