Thursday, August 30, 2007

Chubby Baby

It's awfully hot here, so Jameson is hanging out in just his diaper. As you can see, he's chunking up quite nicely. I haven't weighed him in awhile, but he feels about the same as the cat, if that means anything.

I wanted to show you all what I mean by "no pins". This is how I put on a standard cloth diaper. The blue "snappi" holds it on. Of course, it needs a cover.

This cover is too big, but is very soft.

And this diaper has velcro-type closures. Nice and easy.

And way cuter than disposables!

And since some of you said the last video was kinda sad, so here are some happy videos.

First, hanging out in the carseat after we came home from the store. If anyone knows how to keep the straps from slipping down when he wriggles, please let me know. They can't be tightened any more! Also, I don't know what the weird noises are. It's not me, and I don't remember him making all that noise!

And this is what he does when he tries to fall asleep. Sorry it's so dark -- it's hot and I try to avoid light!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Daddy Love

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Skills, Silent Crying, and the First Restaurant Visit

I finally caught Jameson sucking his thumb!

Frustrated because he lost it.

And showing off his strong arms!

Hanging out with Dad

And Grandma. (He puts on pants for company)

And Jameson got to go out for his first restaurant visit! We went to BJ's for Toffer's birthday. Laura's husband Justan held him and surprised us all by knowing exactly what to do.

He got a little hungry, and decided that my hand was a pretty good snack. He would have done this all night, I think!

But I broke out the bottle and Sean fed him.

And finally, for those of you who haven't seen his silent crying trick, here it is:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Lunnaviresary, Jameson!

That's right, Jamie is one month old today. I'd make a cake, but I'm pretty sure I'd end up burning it.

Since I am obsessive and competitive and like lists, I opened up the ever-present What to Expect to check the one-month milestones. By one month, your baby...

Should Be Able To:

Lift head briefly when on stomach on a flat surface
Check. He's been doing this since the minute he was born.

Focus on a face
Check. Although he also really like to focus on the mirror above the couch, and the space in the window where the blinds gap open.

Will Probably Be Able To:

Respond to a bell in some way
Check. No bells here, but he was really startled when Nathan was re-loading his gun for work.

May Possibly Be Able To:

Lift head 45 degrees when on stomach
Check. Again, he's been doing this since he was born. He can get his head up, but putting it back down gracefully is still difficult. Or maybe he likes slamming his forehead into my chest.

Vocalize in ways other than crying
Check. He started cooing, gooing, chirping, snorting and growling about two weeks ago. It's adorable. If you haven't heard him talk, you're missing out.

Smile in response to your smile
Maybe? He smiles a lot, but those are mainly from gas. I think he's smiled at me, but I really don't know. Maybe he's smiling at the window.

May Even Be Able To:

Lift head 90 degrees when on stomach
Not quite. He's done it a couple times, but there's no control, and he flops back right away.

Hold head steady when upright
Only when upset. Or hungry. When he's well fed and sleepy he turns into my Floppy Bunny.

Bring both hands together
Well, he loves to cross his arms when leaning on my chest, so he can do it then. But not any other time. I don't think he knows that his hands are his quite yet.

Smile spontaneously
It's just gas.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007

9 lbs 8 oz

Jameson is growing well. He was 9 lbs 8 oz today at the doctor's visit. That's a again of almost 1 lb in less than a week. Looks like he's going to be a healthy boy!

He's still working on getting that thumb into his mouth, and keeping it there. He got a good couple sucks once, but it still eludes him pretty often. He is learning to focus his eyes, however. This morning I dozed with him in bed with me, and every time I opened my eyes he was staring straight at me. I think he was bored.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Grandma Visits

Grandma Hazelwood is in town for a few days to meet Jameson. They had a fun time bonding and napping together.

Grandma thought it was funny that he kept sticking out his tongue.

And I was sneaky and took a video.

Hanging Out in Bed, and Dad Being Bad

He can't really focus on the toys yet, but he likes the chair, especially if we rock him.

Proof that we are horrible, irresponsible parents. Nathan thought it would be funny.

It IS funny. And we will never do it again.

And this morning he slept for almost an hour in the chair! And see, I do use the cloth diapers every once in awhile.

We also had a major breakthrough today, but I was too slow with the camera. Jameson got his thumb in his mouth! He's been trying for days. I know this will probably be a horrible habit to break, but since he won't take a pacifier, we'll be thrilled for now if he can sooth himself somehow!

Pictures From the First Two Weeks

(I am wearing shorts, they're just really short. Sorry)

Aunt Leah holding Jameson. He wouldn't stop crying for her.

Heather fed him, and was convinced he was going to spitup. He didn't.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Waiting for Baby

Nathan and I went to the hospital around 5 PM on Saturday, July 21. I had relatively easy labor until around midnight, when the contractions moved to my back. Around 7 AM I decided I had had enough and got an epidural. They let us nap for a few hours and, after half an hour of pushing, Jameson arrived at 12:19 PM on Sunday, July 22.

Nathan and I early on at the hospital.

Welcome Jameson

Welcome to Jameson's Blog

Since there is no way I'm going to have enough time or energy to make a baby book for Jameson, I've decided to do the modern option. A baby blog! I'll post pictures and updates here whenever I have time.