Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting So Grown Up

Jameson is getting to do so many grown-up things. He tried out an orange. He enjoyed mashing it up, and he got it all over his face. But not much of it ended up in his mouth. But it was a fun experience!

What's this?

Jameson's reading the sports page! The Sunday paper is a favorite new toy now. So easy to wrinkle and chew on.

He likes his tomato. So many little bits to hold onto, soft and chewy.

Daddy's foot was a great new toy as well. It wriggles and wiggles and gives him a good challenge for holding onto it. Yet another toy he can share with the cat!

When Jameson gets tired, he practices talking. This morning he was talking to a pillow on the floor. It had a tassel that he kept trying to roll over to grab. He has rolled to his stomach a few times, but I've never seen it. I just find him after the fact!

He's also getting quite good at sitting up. The boppy makes it easier to keep from toppling over. He really loves this new perspective on the world. So proud! (And yes, his socks don't match. They're warm and that all that matters.)


Anonymous said...

Are those leg warmers Nathan is wearing?

Elizabeth said...

No, but close. They are massive wool socks that he pulls out when it gets "cold".