Monday, June 15, 2009

Cleaning Up

I have been cleaning out the house, trying to get rid of extra stuff. Jameson likes to help! He calls all of the boxes his "cars" and likes to climb in them.

Jameson has gotten very good at climbing and getting wherever he wants to go. We're heading to Washington for Sherah's wedding tomorrow, and we will be surrounded by fields and woods. I'm sure Jameson is going to have a great time climbing around and finding bugs. Lots of pictures to come.

I'm not sure this is a "first", but yesterday Jameson said a very clear full sentence. He went out running errands with Nathan, then came home and asked for dinner. I asked him what he wanted, and he said, "I want some pasta." He is getting so good as expressing himself. He's also mastered the social norm of raising the pitch of his voice for a question. This sometimes turns into him saying, "cheese?" "chee-se?" "chee-eese?"

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