Monday, April 12, 2010

So Bad and So Good

Jameson spent the morning with the neighbor girl, who is a year older than him but considerably smaller. They're getting better at playing together, but Jameson still gets a little too rough sometimes. They were 'jackhammering' all around his room with a toy hammer and a toy ax, and then Jameson decided that his hammer is now a regular hammer, and hit Sarah in the arm with it.

She started to cry, and Jameson thought it was funny at first. I held Sarah and ignored Jameson so that he wouldn't be rewarded with attention, figuring I would scold him later. Then I feel Jameson come up and hug Sarah and me, saying "It's okay, I'm sorry." She kept crying, and he hugged us again, then ran off to the living room. Sarah walked to follow him, and he showed up with a kleenex, which he used to wipe her tears! And he said sorry again!

How can this little boy be so mean sometimes, and then become so sweet?

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Because he's a human bean. He's a sweetie most of the time, so don't worry, Momma!