Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Jameson is getting good at listening and talking. Today I asked him if he needed a diaper change, and he wandered off. I followed him to his room, where he was pulling a new diaper out of the box for me. Later this afternoon I was telling this story to UAnn on the phone, and Jameson went and brought his diaper powder out to me. And then, when I told how much Jameson likes bananas, he started crying and crawled over to his high chair. I think he understands more than I realize!

He is not also officially talking. I think we're going to call "uh-oh" as the first word, because he has been using it very consistently, although he uses it even if the "uh-oh" happened because he threw his toy and they hit the floor.

He also says "bye-bye" when we're getting ready to go somewhere, when someone else is at the door, or when he is tired and wants to leave.

He's got "Hi", "Hello", "ki-ki" (cat), and the "There-you-go"/"Thank you" pair when we give him things or he gives them to us. He will immitate some of the sounds in a few songs when we sing, and he's been immitating us for awhile in counting to three (and something exciting usually comes at the three). Today he's started doing it on his own.

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