Friday, April 11, 2008

A smart little guy

First we have Jameson playing in his crib after a nap. I was trying to et a video of him turning on his dinosaur to sing, but he knows what's up. After that we see Jameson playing in his jammies, then trying to climb into my lap because he wants the buttons on my jammies!

He sat outside and watched me garden for awhile. He likes the breeze, and I think he was talking back to the birds.

The garden is growing. We have lots of corn, and a few watermelon plants poking through.

And a teeny tiny tomato! Yes, the plant looks pretty sad, but I did water it immediately after taking this shot. The plants get plenty of water, but the heat seems to be wilting the tomatoes anyway.

We went to Bible study at the Bowyers and Jameson got a piggy back ride up to the door.

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