Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We're Walking

Most of the first month of Jameson's life is a sleep-deprived blur, but one memory I have held on to is how Nathan could calm Jameson down when he was tired but didn't know how to relax. Nathan would lay down and hold Jameson so he was sitting on Nathan's chest. At a few weeks old Nathan still had to hold the little guy up or else he would collapse into a little ball, and Nathan's hands nearly covered Jameson's entire torso.

Then Nathan would slowly bend Jameson back and forth, back and forth, while singing, "We're rocking, we're rocking..." It calmed Jameson down, but it never seemed to work when I tried it.

Well now I get to see a new version. A couple times a day I hear Nathan say "Let's go get her!" and then he sings very softly, "We're walking, we're walking..."

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