Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mood Swings in the Backyard

Jameson loves hanging out in the backyard. There is so much to look at, new noises and feelings. He likes birds chirping, ignores dogs barking, and is scared by birds yelling at the cat. He loves wind. I think it tickles!

But it's not all ducks and bunnies. Sometimes things just aren't right, and I don't always know why. He calmed down right after I picked him up, and we spent twenty more happy minutes outside. Maybe he just doesn't like the camera.

He's sleeping very well in his crib now. I risked the flash waking him -- it didn't.

Best. Picture. Ever. (And a great motivator to start keeping the floor more picked up so that the comics don't show up in the best picture ever)

I don't think he's supposed to be able to do this yet, is he?

Well, he can't do it for long regardless. But Daddy is always there to catch him.

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