Saturday, January 10, 2009

I'm Gonna Get You!

A collection of videos.

First, Jameson playing his new favorite game. He's yelling "I'm going to get you!" which for him means, "Come get me!" He then tries to open the front door. I need to rig something up so that when he does figure out the lock the door won't open.

Next, a new trick he figured out with his water. I don't know where he learned this, or why he does it, but we've been trying to ignore it and that seems to be discouraging him. He hasn't done this nearly as much the past few days. He also thinks the flowers on the table are trees.

Finally, a slightly old video of Jameson being pure boy - playing with a ball. This part gets a bit long, and you get a great shot of my shoe as I move the couch to rescue the ball. But watching him chase that ball is so cute, I couldn't stand to clip it.

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